Andrew Newton Image Andrew Newton

Andrew Newton is a writer and photographer based in Canada. He and his wife write about raising their two children and the struggles of parenthood on
Manly Cocktails Mixed Drinks for Men

Manly Cocktails: 9 Mixed Drinks Every Guy Must Try at Least Once

Check out the top cocktails and popular mixed drinks for men. These manly cocktails are perfect for a date, dinner party, or simply at home.

different types of tie knots

15 Different Types Of Tie Knots: Mix It Up With These Classic & Fancy Styles

Ever heard of the Eldridge Knot? How about the Van Wijk? Mix it up at your next event with our spread of unique and cool tie knots.

dress codes for men

Do You Know Your Dress Codes? Learn the 15+ Dress Codes for Men

How’s a guy supposed to know what to wear anymore? From casual to black tie, there are now more dress codes than EVER before. We’re here to help.